
Ack! Are you going to record the session about fear? I hate to miss that.

Great story about your mom. I bet that just made her whole year. :)

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I don't think they are recording it but I hope to keep talking about it. Would have loved to see you. I think it really did make her feel great! xo

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rats! have a great talk! it sounds so interesting. <3

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What a beautiful gift from you to your mom...and your mom to you, in her reception and celebration of how you rendered your complicated relationship.

Such a contrast from my own reality, where any words that speak of my mom as anything other than the single human on earth who somehow ended up flawless and perfect from all angles, is met with...something very different. I'm already heavily censoring my writing to highlight her beautiful parts, and downplay the brutal ones and how they've impacted me. But she always finds the single line...

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Oh, indeed-- people will always find one word, one line, one turn of phrase. I'm worried to hear that you are censoring your writing. That means you are censoring your version of the truth. Is there a world in which you can involve your mother less in the drafting of this book?

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Good question! I've tried to weave in lots about how she was young, trying so hard, I couldn't have done as well as she did, etc. But, really, with her, it will never be sufficient so long as there is even ONE line suggesting something other than her as a most-perfect, mythological mom being.

Still, I'll think on it. I remember listening to you explain how you did something similar in your book, during your interview with David Naimon, and thinking that was amazing. I believe it was from your partner's lens? I have this thing with my parents being older, where I know we don't have much time left. Of course, I've been saying that for the last 10 years:). 

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Sorry: I misread your reply! YES. I'm involving her less. I read too fast and thought you said: involve her "lens," as I think I recall you speaking about in that interview.

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Oh Leigh looks super interesting thanks for sharing!

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